You Can Do It Too!
Doreen (Smart as Poop’s founder and owner) is crazy about gardening and vermicomposting. She used (and uses) these tools extensively while raising her two young children. Doreen saw firsthand the benefit of exposing her two rapidly developing little minds to the wonderful world of worms and gardening. Harnessing the power of nature to grow nutritious food from seed and in turn providing countless hands-on learning opportunities for her growing children. Doreen and her family continue to grow much of their own nutritious food year-round, indoors and outdoors. Homegrown, is the ultimate way to provide fresh, nutritious, meals made with love.
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You Can Do it Too!
Smart as Poop invites and challenges you to make vermicomposting your first step towards a lower household carbon footprint. Harness the power of the red wiggler, a simple creature whose potential environmental impact can be part of tomorrow's waste management solution.
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New for 2022!
Smart as Poop is committed to sharing its passion for year-round organic gardening. Whether you have a little space or a lot of space, a flexible budget or a tighter one, Smart as Poop has you covered. Explore our container gardening options, we have a solution for everyone.
Learn MoreGarden Tower 2
Creating the ultimate year-round organic gardening solution for your home!
Smart as Poop is VERY excited to announce that it now offers the ultimate urban gardening tool, the Garden Tower 2 … where organic vertical container gardening and vermicomposting come together.
Doreen (Smart as Poop’s founder and owner) has extensive experience supporting Garden Tower 2 users. You will be in good hands!
Make Smart as Poop your 1 stop Garden Tower 2 shoppe! We also raise and sell red wiggler composting worms – the secret to a productive Garden Tower 2 experience!

If you think that you could not possibly alter your household’s carbon footprint, think again!
Complete Vermicomposting Starter Kit includes everything you need:
1 Worm Factory 360: Easily make valuable organic compost/fertilizer using the power of worms and do your part in saving the landfills. Includes 4 trays and can be expanded to 6.
1 pound Red Wiggler composting worms: most common variety of worms used for vermicomposting (composting with the use of worms), eat half of their body weight in kitchen scraps each day
turn kitchen waste into nutrient rich compost
4 bricks of Coconut Coir
Shredded newsprint