Worm Factory 360

Create a Smaller Carbon Footprint!
Easily make organic compost/fertilizer using the power of worms and vermicomposting to do your part in saving landfills.
What is Vermicomposting?
For Your Home or Classroom
Vermicomposting is the process of composting with the use of worms. Red Wiggler worms eat half their weight in food scraps per day. It's easy and odourless and allows you to compost indoors year round. Plus, vermicomposting requires minimal maintenance!

Bringing Science and Innovation
into Your Homes & Classrooms

For the Home
Smart as Poop is a proudly Ottawa (Stittsville) owned and operated worm farm. A trusted supplier of Red Wiggler composting worms for over 10 years!
We ship red wigglers across Canada!

For Your Classroom
Vermicomposting is an engaging, creative, innovative, fun and educational tool for students of all ages. Vermicomposting provides an inexpensive, accessible, living, breathing, growing, ever-changing and evolving ecosystem from which students can observe, manipulate and learn. An in-class vermicomposter provides immediate reinforcement while being relatable and relevant to a student’s everyday life.
Contact Us for Bulk Pricing InformationIf you think that you could not possibly alter your household’s and classroom's carbon footprint, think again!
Complete Vermicomposting Starter Kit includes everything you need:
1 Worm Factory 360: Easily make valuable organic compost/fertilizer using the power of worms and do your part in saving the landfills. Includes 4 trays and can be expanded to 6.
1 pound Red Wiggler composting worms: most common variety of worms used for vermicomposting (composting with the use of worms), eat half of their body weight in kitchen scraps each day
turn kitchen waste into nutrient rich compost
4 bricks of Coconut Coir
Shredded newsprint

Worm Factory 360 Support
For Your Home or Classroom
Smart as Poop has been successfully supporting schools, families, and their indoor vermicomposting needs since 2016! Doreen Manley, a.k.a. Ottawa’s WormLady, Doreen has been farming and raising red wiggler composting worms for over 10 years. Doreen’s unique skillset and extensive experience supporting teachers and schools will have you in very capable and supportive hands!

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